Mathematical modeling temperature fields of the refrigerator with walking beams of varietal CCM
mathematical modeling, thermal fields, continuous cast billet, refrigerator with walking beams, rails, hydraulic cylindersAbstract
A refrigerator with walking beams and a hydraulic drive rack implements in the technological cycle of the varietal machine of continuous casting of blanks the process of cooling the continuously cast billet from a temperature of 800...900°C to a temperature of about 200°C allowing to realize the operation of packaging. The reliability of the refrigerator elements determines the continuity of the technological cycle of the entire steelmaking complex of the mini-metallurgical plant. One of the main factors determining the processes of physical aging of parts of metallurgical machines is the thermal effect. At the same time, the work associated with modeling the temperature processes of obtaining a continuously cast workpiece is usually associated with the sequence of forming the workpiece. In the work, based on classical approaches of mathematical modeling, the temperature fields of the refrigerator structural elements are determined and the effective thermal loads are determined. Uneven temperature distribution across refrigerator zones.
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