
  • М. А. Тамаркин Донской государственный технический университет
  • Э. Э. Тищенко Донской государственный технический университет
  • Д. К. Муратов Донской государственный технический университет
  • Р. Г. Тищенко Донской государственный технический университет
  • В. Ю. Строев Донской государственный технический университет


vibration processing of parts, dynamics of medium movement


The article presents the results of studies of vibration processing of machine parts. The field of application of vibration processing has been studied. The importance of studying the parameters of working cameras is justified. Analysis of the used forms of working chambers used to carry out the process is carried out, their characteristics, advantages, disadvantages and field of application are described. The dynamic processes occurring inside the working chamber of the vibration processing machine are studied. Main regularities of creation and maintenance of granulated working medium motion by exposure of medium to mechanical vibrations are considered. Various models of the motion dynamics of granular media in vibrating working chambers have been studied (single-mass model of body vibration displacement along an inclined tray, model of single and multi-mass composite elastic-visco-plastic bodies). A set of theoretical studies was carried out. The results of experimental studies of the parameters of interaction of granules with each other and with the lining of the working chamber for various media and materials of the lining are given in order to further computer modeling of the dynamics of interactions during vibration processing.


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How to Cite

Тамаркин, М. А., Тищенко, Э. Э. ., Муратов, Д. К. ., Тищенко, Р. Г. ., & Строев , В. Ю. . (2024). INVESTIGATION OF FLUID MOVEMENT DYNAMICS IN WORKING CHAMBERS FOR VIBRATION PROCESSING OF PARTS . Progressive Technologies and Systems of Mechanical Engineering, (1(84), 058–067. Retrieved from


