plasma coatings, compression plasma flows, treatment distance, formed structures, surface layers, formed wear-resistant coatingsAbstract
The article considers in detail modern methods of high-energy modification of the structure with subsequent improvement of the properties of the obtained coatings from self-fluxing powders based on iron. Plasma wear-resistant coatings made of materials based on austenitic steels, fabricated by diffusion-alloying with subsequent modification using laser radiation, have been studied. The microstructure of the processed plasma coatings is characterized by a number of features, during high-energy processing, the formed plasma coatings are remelted (to a large extent, remelting correlates with the values of the laser exposure parameters), the formed coatings after processing have a more homogeneous structure and a finely dispersed structure. Conducted studies on the distribution of the microhardness of the applied coating over the depth of the melted layer. To analyze the behavior of laser-treated coatings during operation, we studied the processes of deformation and internal stresses in them. The issues of hardening of wear-resistant plasma coatings during the processing of materials based on powders based on diffusion-alloyed austenitic steels with the addition of molybdenum and molybdenum disulfide are considered and the technological parameters of hardening high-energy treatment of sprayed coatings are optimized.
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