metal-ceramic plasma coatings, heat-shielding and wear-resistant coatings, formed structures, physical, mechanical and operational properties, M-crawl, titanium dioxide-aluminum oxide, molybdenumAbstract
The article discusses the deposition parameters that are the most promising for operation under such wear conditions of the composition, which consist of a ceramic-metal matrix and an oxide component evenly distributed in it. The performance of such compositions is ensured by the high strength properties of the metal-ceramic matrix. The constant reproduction of this layer when working under friction conditions, evenly distributed throughout the entire volume of the material, creates the desired effect of self-lubrication. All of the above features suggest that plasma wear-resistant powder coatings will find wide application in technology, both protective and anti-friction. Atmospheric Plasma Spraying (APS) is a current commercially available technique that has been used by many researchers to create cost-effective coatings. The use of high temperatures and energy densities makes it possible to deposit coatings of refractory materials such as Al2O3, ZrO2 and mullite, which are difficult to melt with other conventional thermal spray processes.
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