technical condition, electromechanical system, diagnosticsAbstract
The current level of development of hardware, digital, information, communication and measurement tools allows us to solve many issues of diagnosing the technical condition of EMC diagnostics and developing forecasts of long-term (short-term) functioning on their basis, as well as the timing of repair operations, their level and the required level of repair equipment.
In practice, in the real conditions of an industrial enterprise, the task of technical assessment of the operability of a particular object is set in another plane, based on the equipment, for example, of the plant with diagnostic tools, the presence of highly qualified specialists who are able to assess the condition of the object and give accurate and strict target indications for the nature of further use of equipment and its operating modes, based on the duration of operation of the equipment, its maintainability, as well as the availability of backup equipment and the degree of its availability.
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