
  • F. I. Panteleenko Belarusian National Technical University
  • V. A. Оkovity Belarusian National Technical University
  • O. G. Devoino Belarusian National Technical University
  • T. I. Bendik Belarusian National Technical University
  • V. V. Оkovity Belarusian National Technical University
  • A. A. Litvinko Belarusian National Technical University
  • V. M. Astashinsky A. V. Lykov Institute of Heat and Mass Transfer of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus


nickel-based metal alloys, oxide ceramics, calcium thermal powder, atomized powder, submerged flux melted powder, operational characteristics, morphology and structure


The article describes the influence of the quality of initial m-rabbit powders on the structure and properties of multilayer plasma coatings. The qualitative indicators of the heat resistance of the alloys and the resulting coatings are associated with the formation of a continuous oxide film on their surface during deposition, which prevents the interaction of an aggressive environment and material. Most modern nickel-based alloys used in technology used to form plasma coatings contain 6-12% aluminum, 20-30% chromium, and 0.15-1.0% reactive element (yttrium, tantalum, etc.). For spraying, five types of powders were used. Metallographic studies have established that calcium-thermal powders are conglomerates with a highly developed specific surface. However, the degree of sphericity can vary within very wide limits, and this shortcoming can probably be eliminated to a large extent by mechanical methods. Atomized powders have a spherical shape, but the peculiarity is that on the surface of some particles there is an alloy film that peels off during the preparation of thin sections and has a structure different from the body of the particle. For powders melted under flux, such a film is thicker and occurs on particles more often than for powders melted in vacuum. However, in both cases, X-ray microanalysis established that in the film, in comparison with the body of the particle, the oxygen content is increased by an order of magnitude and the aluminum content is several times higher.

Author Biographies

F. I. Panteleenko, Belarusian National Technical University

a member- correspondent. NAN B, Ph. D., Professor

V. A. Оkovity, Belarusian National Technical University

Ph. D.

O. G. Devoino, Belarusian National Technical University

Ph. D., Professor

T. I. Bendik, Belarusian National Technical University

Ph. D.

V. M. Astashinsky, A. V. Lykov Institute of Heat and Mass Transfer of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

а member- correspondent. NAS B, D. Phys. - math. n., prof.


Panteleenko, F. I. Formation and study of multilayer composite plasma coatings based on M-rabbits and oxide ceramics with subsequent high-energy effects / Panteleenko F. I., Okovity V. A., Sidorov V. A., Okovity V. V., Devoino O. G., Volodko A. S., Astashinsky V. M., Uglov V. M. // International collection of scientific papers of the Donetsk National Technical University "Progressive technologies and systems of mechanical engineering", DonNTU - Donetsk.-2021.№2.-p.68-83.

Panteleenko, F.I. Modern application of ceramic-metal coatings based on metal-chromium-aluminum-yttrium (M-rabbit) systems / Panteleenko F. I., Okovity V. A., Devoino O.G., Sidorov V. A., Okovity V. V., Volodko A. V., Astashinsky V. M. // International collection of scientific papers of the Donetsk National Technical University "Progressive technologies and systems of mechanical engineering", DonNTU - Donetsk.-2021. No. 3.-S.72-81.

Panteleenko, F. I. Formation and study of multilayer composite plasma coatings / Panteleenko F. I., Okovity V. A., Devoino O. G., Okovity V. V., Astashinsky V. M., V. V. Uglov, V. I. // Bulletin of the Gomel State Technical University. .#2. 2021.S.15-27.

Panteleenko, F. I. Overview of the modern application of ceramic-metal coatings / Panteleenko F. I., Okovity V. A., Sidorov V. A., Okovity V. V., Astashinsky V. M. // Bulletin of the Kuzbass State Technical University. No. 3.2021. pp. 5-17.

Okovity, V. A. Optimization of the process of applying coatings from cermet powders by plasma spraying in air / Okovity V. A., Panteleenko F. I., Okovity V. V., Astashinsky V. M. // "Science and technology", BNTU - Minsk. -2021. Issue 5.- S.369-374.

Panteleenko F. I., Okovity V. A., Devоino O. G., Astashinsky V. M., Switala F. (2022) Multi-Layers Composite Plasma Coatings Based on Oxide Ceramics and M-Croll. Science and Technology. 21(2), 93–98.

Panteleenko, F. I. Selection of optimal parameters for deposition of multilayer plasma coatings from materials based on nickel M-rabbits / Panteleenko F. I., Okovity V. A., Sidorov V.A., Okovity V. V., Astashinsky V. M., Svitala F., Blumenshtein V. M. // Bulletin of the Kuzbaz State Technical University. 2022. №1. pp.12-22.

Panteleenko, F. I. Options for deposition of multilayer coatings from ceramic powders and M-rabbits / Panteleenko F. I., Okovity V. A., Devoino O. G., Sidorov V. A., Astashinsky V. M. // International collection of scientific papers of the Donetsk National Technical University "Progressive technologies and systems of mechanical engineering", DonNTU - Donetsk. -2022.№1(76).С.66-72.



How to Cite

Panteleenko, F. I., Оkovity V. A., Devoino, O. G., Bendik, T. I. ., Оkovity V. V., Litvinko, A. A., & Astashinsky, V. M. (2024). INFLUENCE OF THE QUALITY OF INITIAL M-ROLL POWDERS ON THE STRUCTURE AND PROPERTIES OF MULTILAYER PLASMA COATINGS. Progressive Technologies and Systems of Mechanical Engineering, (4(87), 077–083. Retrieved from




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