Investigation of protection against fire-hazardous overheating of terminal connections of extension cords
terminal connection, voltage, temperature, current, relay, wiring, electric extension cableAbstract
An increase in the resistance of an electrical contact connection causes spot heating or a series of electric arcs, which often lead to fires. However, this heating is not detected by conventional protective devices implemented in extension cords, and therefore extension cords remain a common cause of fires.
It is established that with an increase in the normalized contact resistance by 11 times, its heating temperature increases by 3.8 times and is 319°C. The schematic solution for protecting the extension cord from overheating of the contact connection above 90°C is given, which helps to prevent fires at rated currents. The constructive implementation of the protection provides the required compactness and allows it to be located in the technological cavity of the extension housing.
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